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tv   Headline News  RT  December 7, 2013 4:00am-4:30am EST

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ukraine's prime minister complains of threats against his family from anti-government protesters as demonstrations rage on in kiev over integration. a tiny village takes on a u.s. energy giant we travel to a media world locals are desperate to stop shale gas exploration close to their homes. and as the world mourns mandela the death of the anti-apartheid icon sparks fears and why it and claims that racial tension could return to south africa. this is our team international coming to you live from the russian capital a marina josh welcome to the program ukraine's president viktor in
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a car that has met with light over putin to discuss strategic ties with russia refuting speculations in the media the press secretary of russia's president says they did not touch upon the subject of ukraine joining the customs union at a college made a detour to sochi on his way back from china where he hoped to secure aid for ukraine's weak economy however beijing was reluctant to offer any help you know while ukraine's prime minister nicolas are says his family as well as the families of other officials are receiving threats from anti-government protesters activists have also rally outside the homes of security officers as an investigation is launched over allegations of excessive force being used against demonstrators last week i just read english the reports from korea. it could go on you don't know why don't you call the worst moment was when i saw people being beaten on the ground at my feet they were just kids and i couldn't do anything about it and it was terrible
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it must never happen again. the night of november thirtieth when peaceful protests in the heart of kiev were broken up by ukraine special riot police force dozens and it up in hospitals images of police beating defenseless people emerged on the internet the. was the next day it was the police on the receiving end of the violence but at the hands of a mob and not the peaceful protesters who were dispersed just the day before. i got hit by either a brick or a piece of pavement score in the face it's hard to tell because everything was flying no one could predict it would go like this that there would be rocks bricks most of cocktails. i was scared for my units who were there because it was totally unexpected right in front of all of this they were these boys eighteen nineteen years old who serve in the army and everything was flying at them rocks molotov
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cocktails these men are among the officers still in hospital a week after the attack some received injuries severe enough to leave them disabled or to convince them to leave the force but both undone and said gay i determined to return to service and say did don't have any animosity towards the crowd on independence square i can understand the people they want to express their opinion . people have the right to voice their opinion but without breaking the law it would not be an overstatement to say that many people here view is their enemy number one especially after last week's intense clashes there is a pretty an out there that the police force were simply following the instructions they have received and it's those who gave the orders that should be held responsible for the violence so. that our recordings on the internet of the actual
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orders that received an act as a poem to clear the air we must create a parliamentary commission and find the person who blew it all up and hold them criminally responsible i'm sure the orders came from someone higher than the head of police. as the protests enter their third week the tension is palpable no one wants a repeat of last week's nightmare but a resolution requires calmer efforts from both sides among people whose patience is already wearing worryingly thin. are. now economic troubles were the main reason cited by ukraine's leadership for rejecting an association agreement with the e.u. a decision that's left the country's population bitterly divided reporter martin cvs who's written extensively on ukraine says protesters calling for integration would be disappointed if the deal avar came to fruition. i think it would be a nightmare come true in the long term ukraine and the european union have a lot to gain from increased relationships with each other but the package that the
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e.u. was proposing and the price you create would pay in severed ties with russia and the east bloc would in the short term cause a very we'll drop in standard of living for the ukrainian people much greater energy price costs and the european union and european commission given their own financial woes would not be in the position to give ukraine the necessary financial support it would need in these situations the european union has major problems within its own area that it really must resolve before it can really new it's our first to reach out to nations like ukraine and i think there really needs to be a fundamental reassessment in brussels of what ukraine needs which has not been adequately recognized in brussels. european and u.s. politicians have been lending their support to the opposition in kiev online and we've got more on that and their reaction it's caused had to r.t. dot com for that and more.
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u.s. energy have a way to chevron has resumed its exploration for shale gas in north eastern rumania the company earlier suspended the operation over environmental concerns raised by the locals it's now it's now says it wants to build positive dialogue with nearby communities but as it is there's a government reports it's an operation that's gone hand in hand with violence and intimidation. it's a case of david versus goliath a tiny romanian village pitted against a massive us energy giant chevron which is trying to drill for shale gas that's believed to be trapped beneath the ground in the rocks here now that process involves a controversial process called fracking that means pumping water and chemicals that high pressures into the ground in order to unlock the gas that's trapped inside the problem according to environmentalists is that all those chemicals can contaminate
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the water release dangerous methane gas into the air even earthquakes and that is a risk that these villagers imprudent just here in romania simply don't want to take now this has been the scene of peaceful protests for more than a month now the villagers had gathered here to try to prevent chevron from doing this work when our team was here last in october it seemed that the protesters had won chevron had announced that it would temporarily at least suspend its drilling activities its exploration activities here but earlier this week authorities had taken chevrons side with brute force. when the police came we couldn't do anything to stop this road to the camp and begin. the one structure everyone here. to do for a group of retired ourselves together to form a human chain across the ruled out of the police officers came in just like grooves they were kicking and beating us with their bottoms i was kicked here there was
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another religion in hospital now because of how hard they hit him in the stomach but now as we can see over here chevron has now resumed its activities exploration activities and we're hearing unconfirmed reports of hundreds of police officers just asperse in this area we also heard from the military's reports of police officers trying to potentially intimidate some of the villagers prevent them from from coming here mourning perhaps of consequences for them if they continue to protest reporting and put in just romania for r t. i'm lucy catherine of fracking is also causing uproar across the atlantic the u.s. state of texas has been shaken by several earthquakes recently with some scientists saying dozens of nearby drilling wells are to blame environmental activists and professor at the university of north texas believes fracking activities should be subjected to more thorough regulation. but what needs to happen is there needs to be more empowerment for those who are most vulnerable to the harms involved here
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you know companies talk about conducting this in a safe way but the there is no objective answer to what is safe this is it's it's a system that's vulnerable to what was called normal accidents that can there's going to be something going to happen wrong with it at any time now whether that's too frequently occurring or whether the harms involved or of too great a magnitude i think reasonable people can disagree on that question so the real question isn't whether it's safe it's who gets to determine whether it stays in the us and on that question the people who are more or most vulnerable to the harms involved have to have the greatest say and so when it needs to be sort of restructuring of the political dialogue around this. and coming up want to live in central paris then brace yourself. look it's right here the year. we take a look at garrett life and talk to those in the know about life in the city of light. and stay in france france is leading its second
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major intervention in africa this year sending troops and helicopters to the central african republic there reportedly a thousand french troops on the ground already paris began to send reinforcements hours after the u.n. authorized the mission to quell sectarian violence in the country the red cross says at least three hundred people were killed in two days of fighting in the capital as christian militias loyal to the ousted president clashed with muslim fighters currently in control of the country. well dubbed as the policeman of africa of france has been active in the continent since the colonial era well here's a map of francis former colonies over the past decade or so france has led interventions in mali its most recent operation chad ivory coast and the democratic republic of congo that's aside from its involvement in libya and as for the current conflict in the central african republic earlier this year france refused
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a request to intervene from former president was easy who was ousted in march by muslim rebels now it's decided to act immediately lawrence freeman from the executive intelligence review magazine believes french domestic problems are behind the decision recently france has become more. militarily and i think the problem with that france and britain. have not given up their intend. to use some of the resources and wealth of the african countries also i think france is suffering serious problems at home there is a devastating collapse in living standards throughout all of europe so many things i think combine to push france forward into somebodies military activities. more of them recently than we've seen before and to the u.k. now where the government is planning to ban extremist preachers from visiting
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mosques and islamic center. but it is a very poor it's in just a few minutes prison authorities claim it's largely in the jails where people are being radicalized the full story is coming right up. in the secret lover tour. was easy to believe it's most sophisticated. doesn't give a darn about anything. to teach me why you should care about human to. this is why you should care only on the.
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economic down in the final. day. and the rest of life. if we. welcome back you're watching r t international south africa's first black president the man who led the country out of apartheid nelson mandela will be laid to rest next sunday at his family's state but as people around the globe mourn the loss fears are mounting the death of the iconic leader could reaganite racial segregation this time though it's those living in a wide enclaves in south africa that are worried or has more. for many years south
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africans in particular have been asking themselves the question what happens when mandela pos is on and for a long time there was a war we that everything he stood for which was essentially bringing white and black south africans to give it would disappear when he dies this question has become less urgent as the years have passed on and a new generation of south africans has come to the fore but certainly there are pockets of particularly white south africans who are today afraid now i visited the community of claim fun tain which is a white on cave they you find only off the conason all these are white south africans who can trace the roots back to european settlers who came in the sixteen hundreds you need special permission to enter the area there are security guards everywhere there are statues paying tribute to the founders of apart a twitch was some africa's legal system of discrimination between blacks and whites
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people there justified the existence of such enclaves as merely a way of preserving their history the culture their language they argue against any kind of claims of racism we feel strongly about our identity and we want to protect back and preserve it this together with the fear that some white of economists feel has caused some to put in place contingency plans now there's a group called the state land as they estimate that their figures are around eighty to one hundred thousand people and they are all linked through mobile phones in such a way that if in any time they believe a genocide happens and they do believe that a genocide is coming against white south africans they can then mobilize him selves and move to an area where they will be able to both protect themselves and be completely self-sufficient no i visited this community and this is what they had to tell me right now oh we're the stage or little six. little sort of is really
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a true constructs these white south africans our. are in the minority the majority way he credits mandela with bringing the country back from the brink of civil war regardless of the color of the skin they race the creed they have been made to south africans were god mandela as the heroes of the struggle against apartheid and seen him as one of the greatest sons this country has ever given birth to and just a click away for you if recent u.s. spy revelations weren't enough and a new album polarity is latest intelligence gathering satellite should leave you in no doubt judge for yourself the message the sinister octopus house on our t.v. dot com. blogs an issue of national security or an attempt to mask its failures japan introduces new state secrecy lost all the details online. right from the street. first street view and i think the church.
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on our reporters with their. instrument. to be in the little. old. science technology innovation hall believes developments around russia we've got the future covered. do we speak your language i mean some of the worn out of the. news programs in
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documentaries and spanish what matters to you. there's a little eternity of angola's keep these stories. here. the spanish find out more visit. we are the problem we in the west of the problem especially the united states government so it really is quite ridiculous that we get manipulated into saying no we have to take care of this problem over there the problem is in our own backyard and we know this. welcome back you're watching r t international the u.k. government has announced new measures to crackdown on islamist extremism drawn up following the brutal murder of
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a british soldier by two muslim converts in may part of the plan is to blog extremist material on the web and banned those encouraging stream isn't from visiting mosques however searches laura smith reports it's the jails where converts are becoming increasingly radicalized. wormwood scrubs prison in west london temporary or longer term home to around fourteen hundred male prisoners apart from the inevitable gang activity and drug taking that goes on inside many prison inmates find religion while they're doing their stretch some are genuine others not so much. those who watch on to and use that religion is an excuse for treatment and we're particularly concerned by definition clear evidence that there are youngsters being radicalized. and forced to join doretta causation of young a full report prisoners. who then can become
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a tree machine while evidence from the prison offices union shows prisoners are necessarily so much finding gods as having shoved in their faces muslim gangs have grown in power and influence in jails all over the country and the prison officers association is concerned that they target vulnerable new arrivals to conversion and that those who are muslims already are being forced into more extremist views you speak to some prisoners are noble. or out on it to get more time a show or just to be seen as to be part of a gun culture i've done it for protection i've done it because i was bullied extremists who are ultimately released from behind these walls back into society. it is laura smith there now is a look at some other stories from around the world. this
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is a rough week and students who were marking the fifth anniversary of a fatal police shooting over to the officers used tear gas pepper spray and stun grenades to quell the crowds of youngsters who hurled petrol bombs and set the goals alight at least ten people were arrested and dozens more detained. supporters and opponents of ousted president mohamed morsi have clashed in several cities across egypt police used tear gas to disperse demonstrations dozens of arrests have been made in the end rest comes despite a government passing a new law banning groups of more than ten people gathering on the streets. police have detained six men suspected of stealing a truck carrying highly radioactive materials in mexico the suspects were sent to hospital as they may have radiation poisoning the truck was stolen on monday in mexico city and later found in a nearby field it was supposed to transport the material to a nuclear waste facility after being used for radiation therapy.
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a deadly storm has struck northern europe with hurricane force gusts across battered countries at least eight fatalities are thought to be linked to the extreme weather conditions in the u.k. it caused the biggest tidal surge in sixty years flights and rail services were frozen and man of european regions poland had only tricity cut off in four hundred thousand homes paris may be a dream destination but the romance of the french capital comes at a premium for those who want to live there as artist has recently found out even if you are willing to pay the price home may still be a cramped attic or basement. it all looks great on paper but anyone with an aspiration of living in central paris quickly discovers the nightmare and becomes looking for a flat here this picturesque center of the city might as well have a sign that says off limits to anyone with a tight budget but if you must prepare for very tight quarters when you first
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arrive to the far out i was completely shocked because this was the smallest area that i found myself i didn't like it from here through here. danica pay seven hundred seventy euros for this tiny twenty square metres central paris flat in the popular lot to quarter area plus another hundred for bills and internet she chose convenience over price a choice that's not quite there for others like sabina who lives just outside paris with three other people her bedroom in the basement. but it was about five hundred euros when i moved. i was looking in internet for place for five hundred euros couldn't find anything really. expensive visited a few places. couldn't find any so i decided to. close in more extreme cases not only do people end up far from the center but in
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apartments like this one where there's no kitchen or hot water so. it's a real problem for this lack of housing we need a hundred to nine hundred thousand more housing this is what explains the high prices in july report released by france's national institute of statistics and economic studies found that one hundred forty one thousand five hundred people were without a fixed residency in france a rent control law was recently passed as part of a larger housing reform to address the lack of housing substandard conditions and the trend of people being pushed out of paris and other major cities but changes in living standards won't come overnight a fact many in the city of lights have just come to accept to live in paris. well ok. so i just are cilia r.t.e. paris and next max and stacey take on the world financial headlines in the latest
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kaiser report stay with us. we are the problem we have the worst of the problem especially the united states government so it really is quite ridiculous that we get manipulated into saying oh we have to take care of this problem over there the problem is it all backyard and we know but. do you think that you as a representative of the. gazan government and government in general could achieve that easing off live for the palestinian people through the way they communicate through the way the present themselves to do wall to community need we need respectful of from all of kind of governments good and to recognize this
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government which recollected a from the people actually. presented from the palestinian people themselves respect of what china says respect i what i would believe is our need someone runs . deliberate torch is on its epic journey to such. one hundred and twenty three days. through to see my number two cities of russia. really run fourteen thousand people or sixty five thousand killings. in a record setting trip by land air sea and others face. a limbic torch relay. m r t r t dot com.
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you have to remember that israel if there were in the cabin the award for best dramatic performance by a country israel would win every year it's a real fear it are. not to know who is the star of the theater so i would serve the few moments ago now we have to distinguish between israel's a rhetorical position and its actual position israel wouldn't be investing billions and billions of dollars into building this wall if it wanted territory beyond the wall if we go back to our lines of you know i mean if i had a hard time doing it's not days go ahead go ahead go ahead i'm sorry if it's not just the the wall and the west bank and gaza they're in zappa now now or syria actually because they have syria poland there and they're drilling gas there are they taking somebody else's gas and oil.
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welcome to the kaiser report imax guys are. now doing. well successor david cameron's trade mission to china this way. they downing street announce that the u.k. has won the right to export pig semen to china this is going to be a long one in a deal worth forty five million pounds per year. little piggies well rescue britain's economy for sure and exchange it appears china will win the rights to more of the u.k.'s real income producing assets such as the h s two high speed rail link between london and those places up north that nobody ever goes not only will
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china invest in the new rail network but may even build it they did a good job in america building a road cameron brag that the u.k. infrastructure is worth investing in not just by the government meanwhile back in the u.k. space a frightening close talking continues police told members of the public so nor people just as clowns if they meet them in the street alas despite the public warning the media insisted on reporting on george osborne's autumn statement oh oh stacey. max george osborne perhaps the most terrifying clown of all actually want to take a look at this image here this is a clown spotted in norfolk i'm not sure if it was george osborne but he looks quite similar with his autumn statement no one thing that was reporting on the state of the u.k. economy i think was the u.k. guilt because in the march budget ten year gilts were trading at one point eight.


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